
Friday, January 11, 2013

{Our Journey to Adoption}

 Hello, we are Kylee and Chaisson, currently on the road to adoption and we would like to share our story with you! We feel like our journey to adoption is one a little different than most. It started when we got married, we had talked many times about adopting in the future, we loved the idea of it. After 2 years of trying to become pregnant and about a year of failed fertility treatments, we found out we were expecting! This came as a shock to both of us, as we had almost lost all hope of starting our family. Pregnancy was wonderful and we cherished every little moment of it! On a Wednesday in the first week of June at 39 weeks and 4 days pregnant we went to the Hospital to meet our little miracle. After labor had started, the baby's heartbeat was dropping with every contraction. The doctors rushed Kylee back into the O.R. for an emergency C-section. Our son, Clutch, did not return out of the O.R. with Kylee. He had a tight knot in his cord, the tightest the doctors had seen. The medical team worked on him for an hour with no luck. This wasn't our plan. You never plan on losing a child or leaving the Hospital empty handed, but that is what was given to us. We spent 16 beautiful hours with our son, taking pictures with our minds of every little detail so we wouldn't forget. His hair, the way he smelled, his dimpled fingers, chubby cheeks, and pouted lips. This was the most spiritual experience we believe we will ever have in our lives. We knew without a doubt that he was there with us in that hospital room, wrapping his arms around us and wiping our tears. After this experience, and a difficult time becoming pregnant once again we knew this was it, adoption was our answer. All of those conversations we had in the past came flooding back into our minds. We didn't see adoption as our last resort to start our family, but our first choice and only God knows why. So, here we are on the amazing adoption journey looking for that special Mother and Child who are meant to be a part of us forever. Because of our loss and our infertility struggles, we do not take life lightly. We cherish every. little. moment. We cannot wait to have a child in our home to share these special moments with. We will never be too busy to play, too tired to tell bed-time stories, or too involved in other things to listen when our child needs a friend. We will smile through the sleepless nights (and we cannot tell you how grateful we will be to have them). We will truly cherish the things that matter most! We know in our hearts that Mother and that Child are out there. We already love them more than they know, and we look forward to building a wonderful relationship with them. Please, if you know of anyone considering adoption for their child, please share our story with them. 

{View our online profile}


    This is so beautiful.....I don't know you, but I thought of you when I heard this. :)))). May you hold a baby of your own soon!

  2. Heidi, Thank you so much! We are praying for that day <3

  3. thanks for sharing my brother lost a soon a week before he was due. i appreciate life so much more and i will keep my ears open.

  4. Meg, Im so sorry to hear. It's a tough road, I hope they are doing ok. I believe these Angels were sent to us to touch our lives and teach us things that very few people will ever understand. <3 Thank you for reading.

  5. Just saw your story on Smitten and wanted to drop by and say hello. As a social worker by profession, adoption has always been in my vocabulary and my husband and I knew that we would know when the time was right. We have a bio son who will be six in just a couple of months and after him we experienced two stillbirths and a failed adoption (we had our sweet boy from birth to six days before his birth mother decided to parent). God brought us our daughter just 11 short weeks ago. With only 24 hours notice we were on a plane and flew across the country. Our girl was sick, but she is a survivor and now is thriving and doing amazingly well. All of that to say...your child is out there. Things that are hard fought are treasured beyond words. I also happen to work for an adoption agency and have gotten to learn SO much more about the process in the past couple of years (we started our adoption process in January 2011). Hang in there and keep preparing your hearts for your child.
